HTTP POST using Angular.js HTTP POST using Angular.js json json

HTTP POST using Angular.js

Acctually the problem is in the backend with PHP you don't retrieve the posted data like usual, this worked for me:

function PhpCtrl($scope, $http, $templateCache) {  var method = 'POST';  var url = 'url.php';  $scope.codeStatus = "";  $scope.add = function() {    var FormData = {      'name' :,      'password' : document.f1.password.value    };    $http({      method: method,      url: url,      data: FormData,      headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},      cache: $templateCache    }).    success(function(response) {        $scope.codeStatus =;    }).    error(function(response) {        $scope.codeStatus = response || "Request failed";    });    return false;  };}

in the PHP file:

$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"));echo $data->name;

Hope this help.

Rather old post... but I figure my solution might come in handy for others as well.

I did not like the


solution... Basically because it seems against good practice (I might be wrong on this)

This is how I got it solved (adapted to the example above)

function PhpCtrl($scope, $http, $templateCache) {  var method = 'POST';  var url = 'url.php';  $scope.codeStatus = "";  $scope.add = function() {    var FormData = {      'name' :,      'password' : document.f1.password.value    };    $http({      method: method,      url: url,      data: $.param({'data' : FormData}),      headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},      cache: $templateCache    }).    success(function(response) {        $scope.codeStatus =;    }).    error(function(response) {        $scope.codeStatus = response || "Request failed";    });    return false;  };}

once this done

data: $.param({'data' : FormData}),headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},

you can access the data you normally would in PHP

$data = $_POST['data'];

A possible alternative it is to use an XHR request handler to serialize the payload of the POST request.

$httpProvider.interceptors.push(['$q', function($q) {    return {        request: function(config) {            if ( && typeof === 'object') {                // Check for a possible way to implement the serialize function.       = serialize(;            }            return config || $q.when(config);        }    };}]);

Moreover, if you didn't do it before, you've also to change the default content-type header of the post request:

$["Content-Type"] =     "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8;";

Recently I wrote a post on my blog, where you could find more info about this approach, and XHR request interceptor.