Importing JSON into Mysql Importing JSON into Mysql json json

Importing JSON into Mysql

You can export your json to csv : or

Then :

LOAD DATA INFILE 'filepath/your_csv_file.csv' INTO TABLE tablename;

It should be okay for a oneshot.

More info for load data infile.

Like others have said, you are going to have to do a little bit of conversion to do what you're asking. Fortunately, it's not too difficult to have PHP iterate through the data and do most of the work for you. Here's a quick-and-dirty attempt:

// MySQL table's name$tableName = 'my_table';// Get JSON file and decode contents into PHP arrays/values$jsonFile = '/path/to/file.json';$jsonData = json_decode(file_get_contents($jsonFile), true);// Iterate through JSON and build INSERT statementsforeach ($jsonData as $id=>$row) {    $insertPairs = array();    foreach ($row as $key=>$val) {        $insertPairs[addslashes($key)] = addslashes($val);    }    $insertKeys = '`' . implode('`,`', array_keys($insertPairs)) . '`';    $insertVals = '"' . implode('","', array_values($insertPairs)) . '"';    echo "INSERT INTO `{$tableName}` ({$insertKeys}) VALUES ({$insertVals});" . "\n";}

This will spit out a series of INSERT INTO my_table (...) VALUES (...); SQL statements that you can save to a .sql file and import into MySQL. With this method each INSERT can have different columns without causing problems.

Note: addslashes() isn't a very secure way of doing this, and something like real_escape_string() would be preferable, but this works without a DB connection assuming your JSON data is trustworthy.

Using MySQL Shell 8.0.13 you can import JSON documents straight to MySQL Server using util.importJson shell API function or command line option --import. For example import from file:

mysqlsh user@host:port/database --import /tmp/facebook.json collection_name

or pipe JSON document to stdin:

cat /tmp/facebook.json | mysqlsh user@host:port/database --import - collection_name

where collection_name is a collection.

More about MySQL Shell's JSON Import utility:

More about document store:

More about documents and collections: