In jq, how to get tonumber to output decimal instead of scientific notation In jq, how to get tonumber to output decimal instead of scientific notation json json

In jq, how to get tonumber to output decimal instead of scientific notation

Unfortunately there is currently no way in jq to modify the representation of JSON numbers as such; the best one can do is modify their representation as strings. Here is a simple illustration of what can be done.

to_decimal takes as input a JSON number (or a valid JSON string representation of a number, possibly with a leading "+") as input, and converts it into a suitable string, e.g.:




Notice that any leading "+" is dropped.


def to_decimal:  def rpad(n): if (n > length) then . + ((n - length) * "0") else . end;  def lpad(n): if (n > length) then ((n - length) * "0") + . else . end;  tostring  | . as $s  | capture( "(?<sgn>[+-]?)(?<left>[0-9]*)(?<p>\\.?)(?<right>[0-9]*)(?<e>[Ee]?)(?<exp>[+-]?[0-9]+)" )  | if .e == "" then (if .sgn == "+" then $s[1:] else $s end)    else (.left|length) as $len    | (.exp|tonumber) as $exp    | (if .sgn == "-" then "-" else "" end ) as $sgn    | if $exp < 0 then "." + (.left | lpad(1 - $exp - $len)) + .right      else (.left | rpad($exp - $len)) + "." + .right      end      | $sgn + .    end ;