In node package.json, invoke script from another script with extra parameter, in this case add mocha watcher In node package.json, invoke script from another script with extra parameter, in this case add mocha watcher json json

In node package.json, invoke script from another script with extra parameter, in this case add mocha watcher

This can be done in npm@2.1.17. You don't specify your OS and the version of npm that you are using, but unless you have done something to update it, you are probably running npm@1.4.28 which does not support the syntax below.

On Linux or OSX you can update npm with sudo npm install -g npm@latest. See for a guide to updating npm on all platforms.

You should be able to do this by passing an additional argument to your script:

"scripts": {  "test": "mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register --recursive -R list",  "watch": "npm run test -- -w"}

I verified this using the following, simplified package.json:

{  "scripts": { "a": "ls", "b": "npm run a -- -l" }}


$ npm run a> @ a /Users/smikes/src/github/foo> lspackage.json$ npm run b> @ b /Users/smikes/src/github/foo> npm run a -- -l> @ a /Users/smikes/src/github/foo> ls -ltotal 8-rw-r--r--  1 smikes  staff  55  4 Jan 05:34 package.json$