Invoke-WebRequest failed - "Problems parsing json" with GitHub api Invoke-WebRequest failed - "Problems parsing json" with GitHub api json json

Invoke-WebRequest failed - "Problems parsing json" with GitHub api

Your $body value is malformed JSON, because it is missing the enclosing { ... }.

Using a here-string makes the construction of the JSON string easier:

$body = @'{ "query": "query { viewer { login } }" }'@

Similarly, you can simplify building the headers with a hashtable literal:

$headers = @{  "content-type" = "application/json"  "Authorization" = "bearer myTokenNumber"}

Here is the working program. Thanks to those who answered:

$url = "" # regular github# for enterprise it will be http(s)://[hostname]/api/graphql where hostname is # usually ... try with both http and https$body = @'{ "query": "query { viewer { login } }" }'@$headers = @{  "content-type" = "application/json"  "Authorization" = "bearer tokenCode"}$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method POST -Body $body -Headers $headersWrite-Host $response

Output: {"data":{"viewer":{"login":"yourGithubUsername"}}}