Ip to country, city, lat, lang javascript service [closed] Ip to country, city, lat, lang javascript service [closed] json json

Ip to country, city, lat, lang javascript service [closed]

As it goes I was researching this the other day.

Couple of potential options:

Maxmind do a number of APIs but their JS service doesn't look up to task to my mind.

I recommend installing something locally on your server as it will make a huge difference in terms of speed.

This one is great: MaxMind's GeoIP, and they have a free version with just a little less accuracy as the paid version.

You can download SQL tables or use a compiled C version with an Apache or PHP plugin.

MaxMind GeoIP City or MaxMind GeoIP Country

Rather than using a 3rd-party API, I prefer to have the data locally. You potentially trade off a bit of accuracy for less latency and a more robust application.

The best free database I have found is IP address geolocation SQL database.