iPad - Parsing an extremely huge json - File (between 50 and 100 mb) iPad - Parsing an extremely huge json - File (between 50 and 100 mb) json json

iPad - Parsing an extremely huge json - File (between 50 and 100 mb)

1) Write your data to a file, then use NSData's dataWithContentsOfFile:options:error: and specify the NSDataReadingMappedAlways and NSDataReadingUncached flags. This will tell the system to use mmap() to reduce the memory footprint, and not to burden the file system cache with blocks of memory (that makes it slower, but much less of a burden to iOS).

2) You can use the YAJL SAX style JSON parser to get objects as they decode.

Note: I have not done 2) but have used the techniques embodied in 1).

3) I ended up needed such a thing myself, and wrote SAX-JSON-Parser-ForStreamingData that can be tied to any asynchronous downloader (including my own).

Given the current memory constraints on a mobile device, it's likely impossible to parse 100 MB JSON text and then create a representation of a Foundation object which itself will take roughly 10 times the amount of RAM than the size of source JSON text.

That is, your JSON result would take about 1 GByte RAM in order to allocate the space required for the foundation objects.

So, there is likely no way to create one gigantic JSON representation - no matter how you get and read and parse the input. You need to split it into many smaller ones. This may require a modification on the server side, though.

Another solution is this, but much more elaborated:

Use a SAX style parser, which takes the huge JSON as input via a streaming API and outputs several smaller JSON texts (the inner parts). The SAX style parser may use a Blocks API (dispatch lib) to pass its results - the smaller JSONs asynchronously to another JSON parser. That is, the smaller JSONs are fed a usual JSON parser which produces the JSON representations, which in turn are fed your CoreData Model Generator.

You can even make it possible to download the huge JSON and parse it simultaneously with the SAX style parser, while simultaneously creating smaller JSONs and simultaneously storing them into Core Data.

What you need is a JSON parser with a SAX style API that can parse chunks of input text, performs fast, and can create a representation of Foundation objects.

I know only one JSON library which has this feature set, and there are even examples given which can partly show how you can accomplish exactly this: JPJson on GitHub. The parser is also very fast - on ARM it's faster than JSONKit. Caveat: its implementation is in C++ and requires a few steps to install it on a developer machine. It has a well documented Objective-C API, though.

Would like to add that I'm the author ;) An update is soon available, which utilizes latest C++11 compiler and C++11 library features resulting in even faster code (25% faster on ARM than JSONKit and twice as fast as NSJSONSerialization).

To give you same of the facts of the speed:The parser is able to download (over WiFi) and parse 25 MByte data containing 1000 JSONs (25 kByte each) in 7 seconds on Wifi 802.11g, and 4 seconds on Wifi 802.11n, including creating and releasing the 1000 representations on an iPad 2.