Is it possible to use the Disqus API to get comments from a specific url? Is it possible to use the Disqus API to get comments from a specific url? json json

Is it possible to use the Disqus API to get comments from a specific url?

You could always use jQuery for the AJAX calls as almost everything on Disqus is now get.

First you would have to get the thread id from using ([shortforumid]&thread=link:[link]

The most important part is for the thread= to have link:[link] as the link: says we are using a URL.

After you get the thread id, you will have to visit ([thread id]

Just as a reminder, you do not need to put in the brackets...

The accepted answer consists in 2 different calls to Disqus API, to avoid the limit usage you could use only 1 call for obtains a list of comments by an url:[shortforumid]&thread=link:[link]