Is there a way to convert JSON to an SVG object? Is there a way to convert JSON to an SVG object? json json

Is there a way to convert JSON to an SVG object?

Thankfully Signature Pad encodes the JSON data in a super readable way. Because SVG is just a text document, we can easily programmatically generate an SVG image given the encoded JSON signature.

As a proof-of-concept, take this regenerated signature from the Pad docs. We just need to generate SVG paths from each object. Looking at the source for how it's done for canvas (search for drawSignature), you can make a simple example in whatever language you choose.

Here's a jsfiddle for it in JavaScript.

function generate_svg(paths) {  var svg = '';  svg += '<svg width="198px" height="55px" version="1.1" xmlns="">\n';  for(var i in paths) {    var path = '';    path += 'M' + paths[i].mx + ' ' + paths[i].my;   // moveTo    path += ' L ' + paths[i].lx + ' ' + paths[i].ly; // lineTo    path += ' Z';                                    // closePath    svg += '<path d="' + path + '"stroke="blue" stroke-width="2"/>\n';  }  svg += '</svg>\n';  return svg;}