Java: Merging two json objects together with primary key Java: Merging two json objects together with primary key json json

Java: Merging two json objects together with primary key

My Java is a little rusty but I would use a map.

List<JSONObject> objectsA = ... ;List<JSONObject> objectsB = ... ;Map entries = new HashMap<String, JSONObject>();List<JSONObject> allObjects = new ArrayList<JSONObject>();allObjects.addAll(objectsA);allObjects.addAll(objectsB);for (JSONObject obj: allObjects) {    String key = obj.getString("id");    JSONObject existing = entries.get(key);    if (existing == null) {        existing = new JSONObject();        entries.put(key, existing);    }    for (String subKey : obj.keys()) {        existing.put(subKey, obj.get(subKey));    }}List<JSONObject> merged = entries.values();

This is more efficient than two nested loops and there's still room for improvement.

EDIT: References to external documentation and related answers.