Javascript convert query string to JSON using jQuery and back to query string [closed] Javascript convert query string to JSON using jQuery and back to query string [closed] json json

Javascript convert query string to JSON using jQuery and back to query string [closed]

Working, but if you used url || then you should remove if(url === '') return '' or it should be like,

var queryStringToJSON = function (url) {    url = url ||;// url or    if (url === '')        return '';// return if url and not found    // your remainig code}

Alternatively... Instead of:

for (var idx in pairs) {    var pair = pairs[idx].split('=');    if (!!pair[0])        result[pair[0].toLowerCase()] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || '');}


result = pairs.reduce(function(a,b) {     var pair = b.split("=");     a[pair[0].toLowerCase()] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || '');     return a;},{});

Works the same but uses reduce() which being a native javascript function, is probably faster.