Jmeter extracting fields/parsing JSON response Jmeter extracting fields/parsing JSON response json json

Jmeter extracting fields/parsing JSON response

Using Ubik Load Pack JSON plugin for JMeter which is part of JMeter since version 3.0 (donated plugin) and called JSON Extractor, you can do it:

Test Plan overview:

enter image description here

ULP_JSON PostProcessor:

enter image description here

If Controller:

enter image description here

And here is the run result:

enter image description here

So as you can see it is possible with plain JMeter

If you're looking to learn JMeter, this book by 3 developers of the project will help you.

I am not sure about your plugin but if it supports JSON path expressions it should be possible.
Try with this expression: $.[0].Name.

This is the plugin I use: and given expression works with it.

You can find more about JSON Path expressions here:

Working with JSON in JMeter is not quite easy as JMeter was designed long ago before JSON was invented.There are some extensions however that make life easier: