JSON Beautifier Library for Java JSON Beautifier Library for Java json json

JSON Beautifier Library for Java

Assuming you're starting out with an existing JSON string, then Jackson can do this for you:

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();objectMapper.configure(SerializationConfig.Feature.INDENT_OUTPUT, true);String originalJson = ...JsonNode tree = objectMapper .readTree(originalJson);String formattedJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(tree);

Update to previous answer by skaffman, with newer versions of Jackson (2+, I think). The second line of code is now:

objectMapper.configure(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT, true);

With Jackson 2.6.1

String beautify(String json) throws IOException {    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();    Object obj = mapper.readValue(json, Object.class);    return mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(obj);}


    <dependency>        <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>        <artifactId>jackson-core</artifactId>        <version>2.6.1</version>    </dependency>    <dependency>        <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>        <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>        <version>2.6.1</version>    </dependency>

Convert JSON String to Pretty Print JSON output using Jackson