JSON escaping in Logstash JSON escaping in Logstash json json

JSON escaping in Logstash

Problem was in incorrect Logstash configuration. Logstash was running but not sending anything through filter. This is correct configuration:

input {  tcp {    port => 3333    type => "java"  }}filter {  if [type] == "java" {    json {      source => "message"    }  }}output {  elasticsearch {    hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"  }}

I created a simple test and all you should need to add to your logstash configuration is codec => json. The default value is "line" and will escape the characters in the string.

input {  tcp {    port => 3333    codec => json  }}output {  stdout {     codec => rubydebug   }  elasticsearch {    hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"  }}