JSON in Qt using QVariantMap JSON in Qt using QVariantMap json json

JSON in Qt using QVariantMap

In Qt 5, it has the support for JSON data.

"Qt provides support for dealing with JSON data. JSON is a format to encode object data derived from Javascript, but now widely used as a data exchange format on the internet.The JSON support in Qt provides an easy to use C++ API to parse, modify and save JSON data. It also contains support for saving this data in a binary format that is directly mmap'able and very fast to access.More details about the JSON data format can be found at and in RFC-4627."


And I think it's not difficult to port them to Qt 4 if you need.

At least you can find the code at https://github.com/qtproject/qtbase/tree/5.3/src/corelib/json

Someone ported QJson* from 5 to 4:(Added 2013-07-02)https://github.com/5in4/qjson-backport

Note: 2012-11-30

Someone else also pointed that it's possible to use QtScript to parse JSON data. If you can read Chinese(if can't, please Google Translate it): http://www.cuteqt.com/blog/?p=2261 (This site is down for now, forgot to backup it via Google Reader, and GR is also dead... 2013-07-02)

You are using the parser from https://github.com/ereilin/qt-json, right? As far as I am aware, that parser needs your JSON data to always be an object at the top-level, so your data needs to look something like

{"somename": [  {"ID":"9","titel":"wouter","plaatsID":"2616","prio":"3"},  {"ID":"8","titel":"pasta","plaatsID":"3780","prio":"3"},  {"ID":"6","titel":"Muts prikken","plaatsID":"3780","prio":"2"},  {"ID":"5","titel":"doorplannen","plaatsID":"3840","prio":"2"},  {"ID":"4","titel":"Gasfles","plaatsID":"3780","prio":"2"}  ] }

Check out the answers to Best JSON parser for Qt? for some alternative parsers, I'd recommend taking a look at qjson (http://qjson.sourceforge.net/).

void parse_links(const QScriptValue & value, QList<Link> & cbk_links){    QList<QVariantMap> list;    qScriptValueToSequence(value,list);    foreach(auto item, list)    {        Link link;        link.yawDeg = item.value("yawDeg").toFloat();        link.panoId = item.value("panoId").toString();        link.road_argb = item.value("road_argb").toString();        link.description = item.value("description").toString();        link.scene = item.value("scene").toInt();        cbk_links.append(link);    }}

used for passing:

"Links":    [            {   "yawDeg":"18.49",                "panoId":"Voal3KQo5FNL67hq7tA8nA",                "road_argb":"0x80ffffff",                "description":"Knuth-Wintherfeldts Allé",                "scene":"0"            },          {   "yawDeg":"198.49",                "panoId":"6RCsAsNoawmh98eOOs7Wzw",                "road_argb":"0x80ffffff",                "description":"Knuth-Wintherfeldts Allé",                "scene":"0"            }        ]