JSON on IE6 (IE7) JSON on IE6 (IE7) json json

JSON on IE6 (IE7)

Since you want to use the JSON.stringify method, you will need to include the JSON3 parser in order to support it on IE < 8.

This library complies with the standard methods of the ECMAScript 5th Edition specification and it checks if there is a native implementation available, so on modern browser this native implementation will be used.

There must be something misunderstood. The object notation has been in JavaScript for a while now (as far as I understand, it's a core concept of JavaScript). I mean, the ability to write code like var o= {a:"b"};
So, if you can do this, you can also call eval('var o= {a:"b"};') and that's the way you "implement JSON" in any browser.

UPDATE: Re-read your post and finally got the point that the problem is serializing objects, not deserializing them. Then you can use the JavaScript library for that: https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js/blob/master/json2.js

Just include json2.js in your file to play around with JSON.It'll also work in IE 9 .