json query that returns parent element and child data? json query that returns parent element and child data? json json

json query that returns parent element and child data?

not sure why you want a query language this is pretty easy

def find_key(data,key="md5"):    for k,v in data.items():       if k== key: return v       if isinstance(v,dict):          result = find_key(v,key)          if result:return resultdict((k,find_key(v,"md5")) for k,v in json_result.items()) 

it's even easier if the value dict always has "_status" and "md5" as keys

dict((k,v["_status"]["md5"]) for k,v in json_result.items()) 

alternatively I think you could do something like

t = Tree(db)>>> dict(zip(t.execute("$."),t.execute('$..md5'))

although I dont know that it would match them up quite right ...

Here is the JSONiq code that does the job:

{|    for $key in keys($document)    return {        $key: $document.$key._status.md5    }|}

You can execute it here with the Zorba engine.

If the 105-page manual you mention is the specification, I do not recommend reading it as a JSONiq user. I would rather advise reading tutorials or books online, which give a more gentle introduction.

Do in ObjectPath:

l = op.execute("[keys($.*), $..md5]")

you'll get:

[  [    "README.rst",    "docs/conf.py"  ],  [    "952ee56fa6ce36c752117e79cc381df8",    "6e9c7d805a1d33f0719b14fe28554ab1"  ]]

then in Python:


to get:

{    'README.rst': '952ee56fa6ce36c752117e79cc381df8',     'docs/conf.py': '6e9c7d805a1d33f0719b14fe28554ab1'}

Hope that helps. :)

PS. I'm using OPs' keys() to show how to make full query that works anywhere in the document not only when keys are in the root of document.

PS2. I might add new function so that it would look like: object([keys($.*), $..md5]). Shoot me tweet http://twitter.com/adriankal if you want that.