JsonView returning empty json objects JsonView returning empty json objects json json

JsonView returning empty json objects

You must create getters and setters methods for attributes. I did it and it worked.

I guess the issue is due to the @ResponceBody ResponseEntity<?> Please try with the following code :

   @JsonView(AuditReportView.Summary.class)   @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "auditReportSummary" produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)   public List<AuditReport getAuditReportSummary()   {      final List<AuditReport> auditReports = auditDAO.getAuditReportSummary();      return auditReports;   }

I am not much sure about it, but you can try if it works..

Try adding a default constructor - ex:

public AuditReport() {}

The default constructor is generated by the java compiler if no custom constructor is specified in the code. However if a custom constructor is specified, the default constructor is no longer automatically added which can break serialization libraries / spring, etc..

BUT - you haven't specified a constructor - how could this be?

One thing I noticed is that you're using Lombok - due to the Data annotation. Lombok can generate constructors for classes. So its possible one of the annotations or libraries you're using is adding a constructor, making the compiler skip generation of a default constructor, which may be breaking your serialization.

So, I hope adding a default constructor works out for you.