Laravel 5.2 return no response as JSON Laravel 5.2 return no response as JSON json json

Laravel 5.2 return no response as JSON

You should use toJson() method.

$categorie = Categories::find($id)->toJson();echo $categorie;  // your json outputreturn $categorie; // same json output

The toJson method converts the collection into JSON.

in your current code,

$categorie = Categories::find($id);return response()->json($categorie);  // your json output with return

Note:- You must write return here.

In above code if you write echo,

echo response()->json($categorie);

then it will show

HTTP/1.0 200 OK Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: application/json {"id":5,"name":"blah","parent":4,"visible":"yes","position":0,"created_at":"2016-06-29 15:23:25","updated_at":"2016-06-29 15:23:25"}

A qoute from

In the official docs :, need to do Response::json(...) to create json response. Actually, if the returned value is an array or instance of arrayableinterface or jsonableinterface such as eloquent model, you could just return it, it'll be a json, magically.