Logstash indexing JSON arrays Logstash indexing JSON arrays json json

Logstash indexing JSON arrays

You can write your own filter (copy & paste, rename the class name, the config_name and rewrite the filter(event) method) or modify the current JSON filter (source on Github)

You can find the JSON filter (Ruby class) source code in the following path logstash-1.x.x\lib\logstash\filters named as json.rb. The JSON filter parse the content as JSON as follows

begin  # TODO(sissel): Note, this will not successfully handle json lists  # like your text is '[ 1,2,3 ]' JSON.parse gives you an array (correctly)  # which won't merge into a hash. If someone needs this, we can fix it  # later.  dest.merge!(JSON.parse(source))  # If no target, we target the root of the event object. This can allow  # you to overwrite @timestamp. If so, let's parse it as a timestamp!  if !@target && event[TIMESTAMP].is_a?(String)    # This is a hack to help folks who are mucking with @timestamp during    # their json filter. You aren't supposed to do anything with    # "@timestamp" outside of the date filter, but nobody listens... ;)    event[TIMESTAMP] = Time.parse(event[TIMESTAMP]).utc  end  filter_matched(event)rescue => e  event.tag("_jsonparsefailure")  @logger.warn("Trouble parsing json", :source => @source,               :raw => event[@source], :exception => e)  returnend

You can modify the parsing procedure to modify the original JSON

  json  = JSON.parse(source)  if json.is_a?(Hash)    json.each do |key, value|         if value.is_a?(Array)            value.each_with_index do |object, index|                #modify as you need                object["index"]=index            end        end    end  end  #save modified json  ......  dest.merge!(json)

then you can modify your config file to use the/your new/modified JSON filter and place in \logstash-1.x.x\lib\logstash\config

This is mine elastic_with_json.conf with a modified json.rb filter

input{    stdin{    }}filter{    json{        source => "message"    }}output{    elasticsearch{        host=>localhost    }stdout{    }}

if you want to use your new filter you can configure it with the config_name

class LogStash::Filters::Json_index < LogStash::Filters::Base  config_name "json_index"  milestone 2  ....end

and configure it

input{    stdin{    }}filter{    json_index{        source => "message"    }}output{    elasticsearch{        host=>localhost    }stdout{    }}

Hope this helps.

For a quick and dirty hack, I used the Ruby filter and below code , no need to use the out of box 'json' filter anymore

input {  stdin{}}filter {  grok {    match => ["message","(?<json_raw>.*)"]  }  ruby {    init => "      def parse_json obj, pname=nil, event         obj = JSON.parse(obj) unless obj.is_a? Hash         obj = obj.to_hash unless obj.is_a? Hash         obj.each {|k,v|         p = pname.nil?? k : pname         if v.is_a? Array           v.each_with_index {|oo,ii|                            parse_json_array(oo,ii,p,event)           }           elsif v.is_a? Hash             parse_json(v,p,event)           else             p = pname.nil?? k : [pname,k].join('.')             event[p] = v           end         }        end        def parse_json_array obj, i,pname, event          obj = JSON.parse(obj) unless obj.is_a? Hash          pname_ = pname          if obj.is_a? Hash            obj.each {|k,v|              p=[pname_,i,k].join('.')              if v.is_a? Array                v.each_with_index {|oo,ii|                  parse_json_array(oo,ii,p,event)                }              elsif v.is_a? Hash                parse_json(v,p, event)              else                event[p] = v              end            }          else            n = [pname_, i].join('.')            event[n] = obj          end        end      "      code => "parse_json(event['json_raw'].to_s,nil,event) if event['json_raw'].to_s.include? ':'"    }  }output {  stdout{codec => rubydebug}}

Test json structure

{"id":123, "members":[{"i":1, "arr":[{"ii":11},{"ii":22}]},{"i":2}], "im_json":{"id":234, "members":[{"i":3},{"i":4}]}}

and this is whats output

      {           "message" => "{\"id\":123, \"members\":[{\"i\":1, \"arr\":[{\"ii\":11},{\"ii\":22}]},{\"i\":2}], \"im_json\":{\"id\":234, \"members\":[{\"i\":3},{\"i\":4}]}}",          "@version" => "1",        "@timestamp" => "2014-07-25T00:06:00.814Z",              "host" => "Leis-MacBook-Pro.local",          "json_raw" => "{\"id\":123, \"members\":[{\"i\":1, \"arr\":[{\"ii\":11},{\"ii\":22}]},{\"i\":2}], \"im_json\":{\"id\":234, \"members\":[{\"i\":3},{\"i\":4}]}}",                "id" => 123,       "members.0.i" => 1,"members.0.arr.0.ii" => 11,"members.0.arr.1.ii" => 22,       "members.1.i" => 2,           "im_json" => 234,       "im_json.0.i" => 3,       "im_json.1.i" => 4      }

The solution I liked is the ruby filter because that requires us to not write another filter. However, that solution creates fields that are on the "root" of JSON and it's hard to keep track of how the original document looked.

I came up with something similar that's easier to follow and is a recursive solution so it's cleaner.

ruby {    init => "        def arrays_to_hash(h)          h.each do |k,v|            # If v is nil, an array is being iterated and the value is k.            # If v is not nil, a hash is being iterated and the value is v.            value = v || k            if value.is_a?(Array)                # "value" is replaced with "value_hash" later.                value_hash = {}                value.each_with_index do |v, i|                    value_hash[i.to_s] = v                end                h[k] = value_hash            end            if value.is_a?(Hash) || value.is_a?(Array)              arrays_to_hash(value)            end          end        end      "      code => "arrays_to_hash(event.to_hash)"}

It converts arrays to has with each key as the index number. More details:- http://blog.abhijeetr.com/2016/11/logstashelasticsearch-best-way-to.html