Loop through JSON object List Loop through JSON object List json json

Loop through JSON object List

Be careful, d is the list.

for (var i = 0; i < result.d.length; i++) {     alert(result.d[i].employeename);}

had same problem today, Your topic helped me so here goes solution ;)


It's close! Try this:

for (var prop in result) {    if (result.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {        alert(result[prop]);    }}


If your result is truly is an array of one object, then you might have to do this:

for (var prop in result[0]) {    if (result[0].hasOwnProperty(prop)) {        alert(result[0][prop]);    }}

Or if you want to loop through each result in the array if there are more, try:

for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {    for (var prop in result[i]) {        if (result[i].hasOwnProperty(prop)) {            alert(result[i][prop]);        }    }}