macOS - Getting JSON data from Raw Github + Parsing macOS - Getting JSON data from Raw Github + Parsing json json

macOS - Getting JSON data from Raw Github + Parsing

It's not that easy for a beginner, you have to load the data asynchronously with URLSession.

Some of the keys in the JSON dictionaries are missing, therefore you have to declare more struct members as optional.

The types for the keys actions and warning are missing, I commented them out, the code works without them, too

struct Mod: Decodable {    let id: String    let display: String    let description: String    let url: String?    let config: Bool?    let enabled: Bool?    let hidden: Bool?    let icon: String?    let categories: [String]?    // let actions: Array<OptionAction>?    // let warning: ActionWarning?}let url = URL(string: "")!let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, _, error) in    if let error = error { print(error); return }    do {        let result = try JSONDecoder().decode([Mod].self, from: data!)        print(result)    } catch { print(error) }}task.resume()

There are some bad practices in your code:

  • Instead of try! use always a do - catch block if an error could occur.
  • Variable names in Swift are lowerCamelCase rather than snake_case.
  • Don't annotate types the compiler can infer.
  • Structs used in an array should be named in singular form (Mod) and the JSON suffix is pointless.

Vadian is correct. Whatever is not present in any of the elements of the array must be marked Optional:

struct ModsJSON: Decodable {    let id: String    let display: String    let description: String    let url: String?    let config: Bool?    let enabled: Bool?    let hidden: Bool?    let icon: String?    let categories: Array<String>?    // let actions: Array<OptionAction>?    //let warning: ActionWarning?}

Your code will then successfully parse the JSON. You can then, as you say, learn all the enabled values by saying eg.

let enableds = {$0.enabled}

But some of the elements lack the enabled so you would have to decide how to deal with that. The results appear as

[Optional(true), Optional(true), nil, Optional(true), Optional(true), Optional(true), Optional(true), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, Optional(false), nil, Optional(false), Optional(false), nil, Optional(false), Optional(false), Optional(false), nil, nil]

How to reflect this data into your interface is a totally different problem!