MariaDB 10.0 JSON type with symfony 4 MariaDB 10.0 JSON type with symfony 4 json json

MariaDB 10.0 JSON type with symfony 4

The problem is that Doctrine is expecting MariaDB 10.2+, but there have been problems getting the latest MariaDB versions into repos (Arch is still at 10.1).

The solution is here:

Just configure server_version in config/packages/doctrine.yml to:

doctrine:dbal:    # configure these for your database server    driver: 'pdo_mysql'    server_version: 'mariadb-10.1.34'    ...

Just replace the version with your version number which you can get with

$ mysql --version

Just a small note, don't forget to delete the previous migrations that you generated with the old "server_version".

Everything is contained in the "/ migrations" directory of your project.

* @ORM\Column(name="roles", type="string")private $usuarioRoles;public function getRoles(): array {        $roles = explode(",",$this->usuarioRoles);        // guarantee every user at least has ROLE_USER        $roles[] = 'ROLE_USER';        return array_unique($roles);}public function setRoles(array $roles): self {        $this->usuarioRol = implode(",",$roles);        return $this;}