mariaDB JSON support in Laravel mariaDB JSON support in Laravel json json

mariaDB JSON support in Laravel

MariaDB has alias for JSON datatype since version 10.2.7

Add MariaDB JSON to Laravel with this package

Note that the 1064 complained about the datatype "json". Such is not (yet) implemented in MariaDB.

You can get close with Dynamic Columns, which at least has a way of fetching them into JSON syntax.

Another thing (probably what you are referring to) is CONNECT being able to have a JSON table type. (Not column type.)

MySQL 5.7 has a datatype called JSON, plus a bunch of functions to manipulate such.

Figured out a simple workaround (not recommended for production) -

As per mariadb version 10.1.32 and lower it seems like mariadb does not support json data type I am still unsure if it is available in version 10.2.7+.

but here's a simple workaround to get through this.

change json data type into text and then run your migration again.

