Material UI datagrid with nested data Material UI datagrid with nested data json json

Material UI datagrid with nested data

To solve the problem, let's see params object passed in valueGetter function. Log that and you will find a row object under it. Instead of using params.getValue(), you should access the row object. It seems that params.getValue() can only be used on one-level JSON object. Here is the code snippet to output phone field.

  {    field: "phone",    headerName: "Phone",    width: 160,    valueGetter: (params) => {      console.log({ params });      let result = [];      if ( {        if ( {          result.push("home: " +;        }        if ( {          result.push("office: " +;        }      } else {        result = ["Unknown"];      }      return result.join(", ");    }  }


To have more flexibility on checking if every key under a object exists, I have created a helper method:

const checkKeysUnderObject = (obj, result) => {  for (let key in obj) {    if (key) { // push the value to the result array only if key exists      result.push(key + ": " + obj[key]);    }  }};

usage of the helper method:

if ( {  checkKeysUnderObject(, result);}else{  result = ["Unknown"];}

I have also updated the codesandbox here.

I use this in my project :

{     field: 'idMaintenancePlan',    headerName: 'Plan de maintenance',     sortable: false, width: 200,     valueFormatter: (params) => params.row?.maintenancePlan?.name }

this works fine for me

{ field: 'parserInfo', headerName: 'Parser Title', valueFormatter: ({ value }) => value.title }