Merging two json in PHP Merging two json in PHP json json

Merging two json in PHP

Something like json_encode(array_merge(json_decode($a, true),json_decode($b, true))) should work.

array_merge in official PHP documentation

json_decode in official PHP documentation

EDIT: try adding true as second parameter to json_decode. That'll convert objects to associative arrays.

EDIT 2: try array-merge-recursive and see my comment below. Sorry have to log out now :(This looks like a full correct solution:

Managed to throw this together. There is most likely a better solution, but this is the closest I got.

$a = '[{"COLUMN_NAME":"ORDER_NO","COLUMN_TITLE":"Order Number"},{"COLUMN_NAME":"CUSTOMER_NO","COLUMN_TITLE":"Customer Number"}]';$b = '[{"COLUMN_NAME":"ORDER_NO","DEFAULT_VALUE":"1521"},{"COLUMN_NAME":"CUSTOMER_NO","DEFAULT_VALUEE":"C1435"}]';$r = [];foreach(json_decode($a, true) as $key => $array){ $r[$key] = array_merge(json_decode($b, true)[$key],$array);}echo json_encode($r);



This works like a charm for me

json_encode(array_merge(json_decode($a, true),json_decode($b, true)))

here is a full example

$query="SELECT * FROM `customer` where patient_id='1111118'";$mysql_result = mysql_query($query);$rows = array();while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysql_result)) {    $rows[] = $r;}$json_personal_information=json_encode($rows);//echo $json_personal_information;$query="SELECT * FROM `doctor` where patient_id='1111118'";$mysql_result = mysql_query($query);$rows = array();while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysql_result)) {    $rows[] = $r;}$json_doctor_information=json_encode($rows);//echo $json_doctor_information;echo $merger=json_encode(array_merge(json_decode($json_personal_information, true),json_decode($json_doctor_information, true)));