MongoDB Create dynamic Query MongoDB Create dynamic Query json json

MongoDB Create dynamic Query

I found a way to do that, Might help anyone :

public IQueryable<SocialRecord> GetWallSocialRecordsMongoQuery(Dictionary<string, List<string>> languagesPerTerms, string[] sources, DateTime fr, DateTime to)        {            try            {                var list = new BindingList<IMongoQuery>();                foreach (var languagesPerTerm in languagesPerTerms)                {                    var term = languagesPerTerm;                    list.Add(!term.Value.Contains("All")                                 ? Query.And(                                     Query<SocialRecord>.Where(record => record.TermMonitorIds.Contains(term.Key)),                                     Query<SocialRecord>.In(record => record.Language, term.Value))                                 : Query<SocialRecord>.Where(record => record.TermMonitorIds.Contains(term.Key)));                }                var query = Query.And(Query<SocialRecord>.GTE(record => record.DateCreated, fr),                              Query<SocialRecord>.LTE(record => record.DateCreated, to),                              Query<SocialRecord>.In(record => record.SocialType, sources),                              Query.Or(list));                //var x = _collection.FindAs<SocialRecord>(query).Explain();                return _collection.FindAs<SocialRecord>(query).AsQueryable();            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                Log.Error("Exception in the Method GetWallSocialRecords, in the Class MongoSocialRecordRepository", ex);            }            return null;        }

Please not that MongoDB Queries with the $or operator can use separate indexes on each clause of the $or expression.