MySQL, Select records based on values in JSON array MySQL, Select records based on values in JSON array json json

MySQL, Select records based on values in JSON array

You can use the following solution, using JSON_CONTAINS:

SELECT * FROM UsersWHERE JSON_CONTAINS(interestIds, '2') = 1;

The third (optional) paramater path gives you the posibility to use this function only on a specific part of your JSON value. So the following example checks if 2 is the second value of the array:

SELECT *FROM testWHERE JSON_CONTAINS(interestIds, '2', '$[1]') = 1;

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Use JSON_SEARCH which returns path to element you are searching, or null if not found:

SELECT *FROM usersWHERE JSON_SEARCH(interestids, 'one', '2') IS NOT NULL

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If you're storing many-to-many relationship using simple JSON array, there are better ways to do it. Consider creating user_interest table and doing it the right and simpler way. That is if your JSON actually looks like you have shown us and does not contain dynamic key-value pairs.

SQL> select id from users where JSON_CONTAINS(interestIds, "2","$");+----+| id |+----+|  1 ||  2 ||  3 |+----+3 rows in set (0.0015 sec)