nested json JWT nimbus-jose -jwt library nested json JWT nimbus-jose -jwt library json json

nested json JWT nimbus-jose -jwt library

The general format of a JWE has five parts, <Header>.<EncryptedKey>.<InitializationVector>.<Ciphertext>.<AuthenticationTag>. In some cases, like using direct encryption that is in the example, there is no encrypted key and that part is left empty. So you should be getting a JWE with five parts where one part is empty that looks something like, eyJjdHkiOiJKV1QiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiZGlyIn0..PVEd_V4E8qyppt6u.UOLp2qTNMw3iA9tyTEDHeJAdTczzI5uP4BkXHQSC6U73kywATBbvdWqz9nilsSWr1y-E1duTMvRL7hzDyyWPMZnpfnCWsjhzZtTnd22HODMWUpU.CoQq987RvHGIN5D6HhrjiQ