Nesting :json include in Rails Nesting :json include in Rails json json

Nesting :json include in Rails

Refer to ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON#as_json to see the options you can pass to render :json. To quote:

To include associations use :include ...

Second level and higher order associations work as well:

user.as_json(:include => { :posts => {                             :include => { :comments => {                                             :only => :body } },                             :only => :title } })# => { "id": 1, "name": "Konata Izumi", "age": 16,#      "created_at": "2006/08/01", "awesome": true,#      "posts": [ { "comments": [ { "body": "1st post!" }, { "body": "Second!" } ],#                   "title": "Welcome to the weblog" },#                 { "comments": [ {"body": "Don't think too hard" } ],#                   "title": "So I was thinking" } ]#    }

It's not necessary to call to_json or as_json directly, as render :json does it automatically.

You need to pass in hash instead of array

render :json => @as.to_json(:include => { :bs => {:include =>:c} })


render :json => @as.to_json(:include => {:bs => :c})