NSData won't accept valid base64 encoded string NSData won't accept valid base64 encoded string json json

NSData won't accept valid base64 encoded string

Your Base64 string is not valid. It must be padded with = characters to havea length that is a multiple of 4. In your case: "eyJlbWFp....MTM3fQ==".

With this padding, initWithBase64EncodedString decodes the Base64 string correctly.

Although Martin's answer is correct, here is a quick and correct(!) way to fix the problem:

NSString *base64String = @"<the token>";NSUInteger paddedLength = base64String.length + (4 - (base64String.length % 4));NSString* correctBase64String = [base64String stringByPaddingToLength:paddedLength withString:@"=" startingAtIndex:0];

Here is a solution that pads the Base-64 string appropriately and works in iOS 4+:


@interface NSData (Base64)/** Returns a data object initialized with the given Base-64 encoded string. @param base64String A Base-64 encoded NSString @returns A data object built by Base-64 decoding the provided string. Returns nil if the data object could not be decoded. */- (instancetype) initWithBase64EncodedString:(NSString *)base64String;/** Create a Base-64 encoded NSString from the receiver's contents @returns A Base-64 encoded NSString */- (NSString *) base64EncodedString;@end


@interface NSString (Base64)- (NSString *) stringPaddedForBase64;@end@implementation NSString (Base64)- (NSString *) stringPaddedForBase64 {    NSUInteger paddedLength = self.length + (self.length % 3);    return [self stringByPaddingToLength:paddedLength withString:@"=" startingAtIndex:0];}@end@implementation NSData (Base64)- (instancetype) initWithBase64EncodedString:(NSString *)base64String {    return [self initWithBase64Encoding:[base64String stringPaddedForBase64]];}- (NSString *) base64EncodedString {    return [self base64Encoding];}@end