On Google Spreadsheet, how do you call the CIty, Country of an IP? On Google Spreadsheet, how do you call the CIty, Country of an IP? json json

On Google Spreadsheet, how do you call the CIty, Country of an IP?

After some digging I've figured out how to do this.

  1. Copy the import_json_appsscript.js script on https://gist.github.com/chrislkeller/5719258. This will be the script that will create the ImportJSON() function to a Google spreadsheet

  2. Go to Google spreadsheet, on the menu bar got to Tools > Script Editor

  3. Copy paste import_json_appsscript.js into the Script Editor and save it, Double check that you can see the ImportJSON() function on the Select function drop down menu.

  4. On the Spreadsheet use function =ImportJSON(url, query, options), for example =ImportJSON("http://freegeoip.net/json/", "/city", "noHeaders") to retrieve Baltimore from the FreeGeoIP call.

Hope that helps, it certainly answers my question.

The easiest way to do this via an external service. IPInfo supports requesting a single field, so you can actually do this without using any addon (via IMPORTDATA function). Quick example:

For country: =IMPORTDATA("https://ipinfo.io/" & A1 & "/country")

For city: =IMPORTDATA("https://ipinfo.io/" & A1 & "/country")

Here A1 is IP address cell.

To avoid getting rate limited, you can register for a free account (50k monthly requests) and use a token.

Disclaimer: I work at IPInfo.

If you are looking to write a macro of some sort, you could consider using freegeoip.net which lets you make a simple restful call to get back data in a variety of formats.


For example, a call to find the location for the ip address look like this:


Also, here is a link to Google's documentation on how to make rest calls in a Google app:


Good luck.