Pandas convert JSON string to Dataframe - Python Pandas convert JSON string to Dataframe - Python json json

Pandas convert JSON string to Dataframe - Python

You can also do it this way to get the exact format:

pd.DataFrame(my_json).T.rename_axis(columns='Date')                                                                                                                                  Date          open    high     low   close     volume2017-01-03  214.86  220.33  210.96  216.99  5923254.02017-12-29  316.18  316.41  310.00  311.35  3777155.0

You can also read directly from the data to get the format with the missing date:

pd.DataFrame.from_dict(my_json, orient='index').rename_axis(columns='Date')                                                                                                          Date          open    high     low   close   volume2017-01-03  214.86  220.33  210.96  216.99  59232542017-12-29  316.18  316.41  310.00  311.35  3777155

I assume my_json is dictionary. I.e, it it not in string format

pd.DataFrame.from_dict(my_json, orient='index').rename_axis('date').reset_index()Out[632]:         date    open    high     low   close   volume0  2017-01-03  214.86  220.33  210.96  216.99  59232541  2017-12-29  316.18  316.41  310.00  311.35  3777155

If my_json in string format, you need call ast.iteral_eval to convert to dictionary before processing

import astd = ast.literal_eval(my_json)pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient='index').rename_axis('date').reset_index()

You can use DataFrame directly, then transpose it and then reset_index
