Parse simple JSON Array without key Parse simple JSON Array without key json json

Parse simple JSON Array without key

Your JSONArray is an array of Strings. You can iterate this way

JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(response_str);JSONArray arrayJson = jsonObj.getJSONArray("text");for (int i = 0; i < arrayJson.length(); i++) {    String error = arrayJson.getString(i);    // Do something with each error here}

You have a JSONArray text. There is no array of JSONObject.

{  // Json object node "text":[ // json array text  "Morate popuniti polje tekst." // value]} 

Just use

for (int i = 0; i < arrayJson.length(); i++) {  String value =  arrayJson.get(i);}

In fact there is no need for a loop as you have only 1 element in json array

You can just use

String value = (String) arrayJson.get(0); // index 0 . need to cast it to string


String value = arrayJson.getString(0); // index 0

public Object get (int index)Added in API level 1Returns the value at index.ThrowsJSONException   if this array has no value at index, or if that value is the null reference. This method returns normally if the value is JSONObject#NULL.public boolean getBoolean (int index)


public String getString (int index)Added in API level 1Returns the value at index if it exists, coercing it if necessary.ThrowsJSONException   if no such value exists.

Try this:

JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(response_str);JSONArray arrayJson = jsonObject.getJSONArray("text");String theString = arrayJson.getString(0);