Parsing JSON in javascript using jQuery Parsing JSON in javascript using jQuery json json

Parsing JSON in javascript using jQuery

Let's say your JSON result is like this:

{    "playlist": {        "track": {            "song": "Wake me up",            "albumart": "",            "videoid": "CDsKBof4iMA"        },        "track": {            "song": "Wake me up 2",            "albumart": "",            "videoid": "CDsKBof4iMA2"        },        "track": {            "song": "Wake me up 3",            "albumart": "",            "videoid": "CDsKBof4iMA3"        }    }}


This json is invalid format, because it has multiple sub-objects with same property name.If you are able, change response from server into this format:

{    playlist: {        tracks: [{            "song": "Wake me up",            "albumart": "",            "videoid": "CDsKBof4iMA"        }, {            "song": "Wake me up 2",            "albumart": "",            "videoid": "CDsKBof4iMA2"        }, {            "song": "Wake me up 3",            "albumart": "",            "videoid": "CDsKBof4iMA3"        }]    }}

Then you'll be able to get each track object from passed Array:

You should use you $.getJSON function like this:

$.getJSON("api/playlist/get.php", function (data) {    for (var key in myObj.playlist.tracks) {        //do something with your track object        console.log(myObj.playlist.tracks[key].song)    }})

Here is JsFiddle for you:

Try this:

$.getJSON("api/playlist/get.php", function(data) {    var responseObject = JSON.parse(data);    // do stuff with responseObject});

Use $.parseJSON() to get a JavaScript object of the JSON.