Parsing JSON record-per-line with jq? Parsing JSON record-per-line with jq? json json

Parsing JSON record-per-line with jq?

Use the --slurp (or -s) switch:

./tool | jq --slurp 'group_by(.id)'

It outputs the following:

[  [    {      "ts": "2017-08-15T21:20:47.029Z",      "id": "123",      "elapsed_ms": 10    }  ],  [    {      "ts": "2017-08-15T21:20:47.044Z",      "id": "456",      "elapsed_ms": 13    }  ]]

...which you can then process further. For example:

./tool | jq -s 'group_by(.id) | map({id: .[0].id, count: length})'

As @JeffMercado pointed out, jq handles streams of JSON just fine, but if you use group_by, then you'd have to ensure its input is an array. That could be done in this case using the -s command-line option; if your jq has the inputs filter, then it can also be done using that filter in conjunction with the -n option.

If you have a version of jq with inputs (which is available in jq 1.5), however, then a better approach would be to use the following streaming variant of group_by:

 # sort-free stream-oriented variant of group_by/1 # f should always evaluate to a string. # Output: a stream of arrays, one array per group def GROUPS_BY(stream; f): reduce stream as $x ({}; .[$x|f] += [$x] ) | .[] ;

Usage example: GROUPS_BY(inputs; .id)

Note that you will want to use this with the -n command line option.

Such a streaming variant has two main advantages:

  1. it generally requires less memory in that it does not require a copy of the entire input stream to be kept in memory while it is being processed;
  2. it is potentially faster because it does not require any sort operation, unlike group_by/1.

Please note that the above definition of GROUPS_BY/2 follows the convention for such streaming filters in that it produces a stream. Other variants are of course possible.

Handling a large amount of data

The following illustrates how to economize on memory. Suppose the task is to produce a frequency count of .id values. The humdrum solution would be:

GROUPS_BY(inputs; .id) | [(.[0]|.id), length]

A more economical and indeed far better solution would be:

GROUPS_BY(inputs|.id; .) | [.[0], length]