Parsing muilti dimensional Json array to Python Parsing muilti dimensional Json array to Python json json

Parsing muilti dimensional Json array to Python

After you parse the JSON, you will end up with a Python dict. So, suppose the above JSON is in a string named input_data:

import json# This converts from JSON to a python dictparsed_input = json.loads(input_data)# Now, all of your static variables are referenceable as keys:secret = parsed_input['secret']minutes = parsed_input['minutes']link = parsed_input['link']# Plus, you can get your bookmark collection as:bookmark_collection = parsed_input['bookmark_collection']# Print a list of names of the bookmark collections...print bookmark_collection.keys() # Note this contains sublinks, so remove it if needed# Get the name of the Boarding Pass bookmark:print bookmark_collection['boarding_pass']['name']# Print out a list of all bookmark links as:#  Boarding Pass#    * 1:    * 2:  ...for bookmark_definition in bookmark_collection.values():    # Skip sublinks...    if bookmark_definition['name'] == 'sublinks':        continue    print bookmark_definition['name']    for bookmark in bookmark_definition['bookmarks']:        print "    * %(name)s: %(link)s" % bookmark# Get the sublink definition:sublinks = parsed_input['bookmark_collection']['sublinks']# .. and print themprint sublinks['name']for link in sublinks['link']:    print '  *', link

Hmm, doesn't json.loads do the trick?

For example, if your data is in a file,

import jsontext = open('/tmp/mydata.json').read()d = json.loads(text)# first level fieldsprint d['minutes'] # or 'secret' or 'link'# the names of each of bookmark_collections's itemsprint d['bookmark_collection'].keys()# the sublinks section, as a dictprint d['bookmark_collection']['sublinks']

The output of this code (given your sample input above) is:

20[u'sublinks', u'free_link', u'boarding_pass']{u'link': [u'', u'', u''], u'name': u'sublinks'}

Which, I think, gets you what you need?