Picasso Library and GridView Images Picasso Library and GridView Images json json

Picasso Library and GridView Images

Its very simple to use picasso lib for loading images in gridview, as demonstrated here,

class SampleGridViewAdapter extends BaseAdapter {  private final Context context;  private final List<String> urls = new ArrayList<String>();  public SampleGridViewAdapter(Context context) {    this.context = context;    // Ensure we get a different ordering of images on each run.    Collections.addAll(urls, Data.URLS);    Collections.shuffle(urls);    // Triple up the list.    ArrayList<String> copy = new ArrayList<String>(urls);    urls.addAll(copy);    urls.addAll(copy);  }  @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {    SquaredImageView view = (SquaredImageView) convertView;    if (view == null) {      view = new SquaredImageView(context);      view.setScaleType(CENTER_CROP);    }    // Get the image URL for the current position.    String url = getItem(position);    // Trigger the download of the URL asynchronously into the image view.    Picasso.with(context) //        .load(url) //        .placeholder(R.drawable.placeholder) //        .error(R.drawable.error) //        .fit() //        .tag(context) //        .into(view);    return view;  }  @Override public int getCount() {    return urls.size();  }  @Override public String getItem(int position) {    return urls.get(position);  }  @Override public long getItemId(int position) {    return position;  }}