Posting a large JSON object to ASP.NET MVC Posting a large JSON object to ASP.NET MVC json json

Posting a large JSON object to ASP.NET MVC

I guess my object exceeded the maximum number of members ASP.NET was allowed to deserialize. I added the below to increase it and it works.

<appSettings>    <add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="150000" /></appSettings>

UPDATE: So there was more to it because after I got it working, eventually it would stop working for what seems to be no reason. Firebug would again show the post just spinning without it hitting the code on the back end. Only after I closed Firefox, killed the IIS Express process and closed Visual Studio, did the post start working again. But closing VS seems to be key. After I got it working again, changing the code and re-running the app make the issue re-appear. When the issue occurs, not even a hard refresh will load the page. It'll just sit there spinning. The page will only reload after I kill the IIS Express process and rerun from VS.

So I dumped IIS Express and used full IIS on my machine instead. Looks like this solves the problem. Posting the large json data goes through every time without fail...even after changing code and recompiling.

IIS Express seems to handle posting small amounts of json fine but chokes on larger sets. I haven't tested thoroughly enough to 100% confirm this but I do know performance is more reliable with full IIS. Haven't tested VS's internal web server though.

Environment: Windows 8, Visual Studio 2012 Update 3

I'm passing large JSON data which contains almost 1,50,00,000 characters to my controller, with below change in web.config:

<appSettings>    <add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="2147483644" /></appSettings>

This is working for me very nicely.....

You may need to bump the generic maximum request length (in kilobytes, example is 1GB)

<configuration>  <system.web>    <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="1048576" />  </system.web></configuration>

And if you're using IIS 7, probably bump max content length (in bytes, example is 1GB)

<system.webServer>  <security>    <requestFiltering>      <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1073741824" />    </requestFiltering>  </security></system.webServer>