PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest | API Call PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest | API Call json json

PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest | API Call

Looking at the Swagger UI site, it seems to me the json must contain properties in lower-caps only

{  "email": "myuser@mydomain.com",  "full_name": "My User",  "login_name": "myuser",  "password": "P@w0rd",  "send_notify": $true,  "source_id": 0,  "username": "myuser"}

Also, according to the Swagger site, you need to state the -ContentType.Your code would look like this:

# Filling my var with some data$username="myuser"$email="myuser@mydomain.com"$full_name="My User"$password="P@$$w0rd"# Building a hash with my data$hash = @{     email = $($email);          # string     full_name = $($full_name);  # string     login_name = $($username);  # string     password = $($password);    # string     send_notify = $false;       # boolean     source_id = 0;              # int     username = $($username)     # string}# Converting my hash to json format$JSON = $hash | ConvertTo-Json# Displaying my JSON var$JSON# just to make it somewhat easier on the eyes$token = "3bb81a498393f4af3d278164b5755fc23b74b785"$url = "http://try.gitea.io/api/v1/admin/users?access_token=$token"Invoke-WebRequest -uri $url -Method POST -Body $JSON -ContentType 'application/json'