Problems with a POST/PUT Json RESTful request Grails Problems with a POST/PUT Json RESTful request Grails json json

Problems with a POST/PUT Json RESTful request Grails

Here is how it should be done in controllers:-

def index() {    //JSON Object is not bound to params it is bound to request in POST/PUT    def jsonObj = request.JSON    //You can also use JSON.parse() to get a JSON object if the request payload has JSON as string    //def jsonObj = JSON.parse(request)    //You will not be able to save the inner JSONArrays if you    // directly bind the jsonObj to the domain. in order to save    //convert them to the proper domain objects otherwise you would get validation     errors for parametros    def catalogParams = [] as Set    jsonObj.parametros.each{        catalogParams << new CatalogParams(it)    }    //Set the domain back to the jsonObj    jsonObj.parametros = catalogParams    //Bind to catalog    def catalog = new Catalog(jsonObj)     //Synonymous to new Catalog(params) but here you cannot use params.    //Save    if (! true)){        catalog.errors.each {            println it        }    }    render catalog}//Domain Classes:-class CatalogParams {    String tipoParametro    String json    static constraints = {        tipoParametro(nullable:true)        json(nullable:true)    }}class Catalog {    String nombre    String descripcion    String url    Set<CatalogParams> parametros = []    static hasMany = [parametros: CatalogParams]    int numeroParametros = parametros.size()}

REST Client:

How are you testing the REST WS? You should have a REST client to test the service? Or you can use REST console extension in Chrome to test your service. You can also use a grails plugin rest-client-builder to test your service. In basic terms, if you do not want any client implementation then atleast a script to test your service. HttpBuilder will be useful in this case:. Something like this is required to test your service

import http = new HTTPBuilder('')http.request(POST, JSON) {  requestContentType = ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON // coreesponding to application/json  body = ["descripcion": "bla", "nombre" : "lalala", "numeroParametros":3, "parametros":[{ "tipoParametro":"string", "json":"bla"}],"url":""]  response.success = { resp ->    assert resp.statusLine.statusCode == 200  }}