rails 3 json custom json formatting rails 3 json custom json formatting json json

rails 3 json custom json formatting

Use a helper function you call from the view to format the output or a library function you call from the controller. Example (of later):

def search  @clients = Client.where(:user_id => current_user.id).select('id','email')  respond_to do |format|    format.html    format.json do      render :json => custom_json_for(@clients)    end  endendprivatedef custom_json_for(value)  list = value.map do |client|    { :id => " #{client.id}",      :label => client.email.to_s,      :value => client.id.to_s    }  end  list.to_jsonend

You just need use the to_json method. In you case it's

@client.to_json(:only => [:id, :label, :value])

You could use jBuilder gem from GitHub

for clients_controller

def search    @clients = Client.where(:user_id => current_user.id)end

and search.json.jbuilder

json.id @clients.idjson.label @clients.emailjson.value @clients.id

For more info you can visit Jbuilder on RailsCast