React Native - Return all JSON data in AsyncStorage? React Native - Return all JSON data in AsyncStorage? json json

React Native - Return all JSON data in AsyncStorage?

In order to get all AsyncStorage keys, you need to call AsyncStorage.getAllKeys(). In order to speed things up, you should also use AsyncStorage.multiGet() By doing that your code becomes;

importData = async () => {  try {    const keys = await AsyncStorage.getAllKeys();    const result = await AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys);    return => JSON.parse(req)).forEach(console.log);  } catch (error) {    console.error(error)  }}

here is a more elegant way to get all items using async/await functions

const fetchAllItems = async () => {    try {        const keys = await AsyncStorage.getAllKeys()        const items = await AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys)        return items    } catch (error) {        console.log(error, "problemo")    }}

May be, little straight forward using promises.

import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';  AsyncStorage.getAllKeys()    .then((keys)=> AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys)                    .then((data) => console.log(data)));
