Reactjs conditional attributes for an antd timeline Reactjs conditional attributes for an antd timeline json json

Reactjs conditional attributes for an antd timeline

You cannot build the actual JSX syntax code based on a ternary operator. You need to do one of the following :

Either build each prop based on your condition as following :

<Timeline>    {, index) {            return (                <Timeline.Item key={ index }                               dot={ (e.label === 'Registered' ? <Icon type="idcard" style={{ fontSize: '12px' }} /> : null) }                               color={ (e.label === 'Registered' ? 'red' : '') }>                    {e.label}                    <span>{moment("DD MMM YYYY")}</span>                </Timeline.Item>            );        })    }            </Timeline>

Or return completely different JSX based on the condition :

<Timeline>{, index) {        if (e.label === 'Registered') {            return (                <Timeline.Item key={ index }                               dot={ <Icon type="idcard" style={{ fontSize: '12px' }} /> }                               color="red">                    {e.label}                    <span>{moment("DD MMM YYYY")}</span>                </Timeline.Item>            );        }        return (            <Timeline.Item key={ index }>                {e.label}                <span>{moment("DD MMM YYYY")}</span>            </Timeline.Item>        );    })}            </Timeline>