Read Array Value Using Dataweave in Mule Read Array Value Using Dataweave in Mule json json

Read Array Value Using Dataweave in Mule

The problem is that the dot selector (.) works on object and on array of objects. When it is applied to an array it will apply the dot selector to all the elements of the array that are of type object and return that result.

Lets go part by part



[  {    "uri": "entities/1R6xV",    "createdBy": "API_USER",    "createdTime": 1562504739146,    "attributes": {      "label": "000000000002659654",      "value": {        "Name": [          {          }        ],        "Id": [          {          }        ],        "Number": [          {            "type": "config/Types/Number/attributes/Number",            "ov": true,            "value": "000000000002659654",            "uri": "entities/1R6xV/attributes/Num/1ZtyT/Number/60pvN6"          }        ]      }    }  }]

So far so good as payload is an Object it returns the value of source that is an array



[  {    "label": "000000000002659654",    "value": {      "Name": [        {        }      ],      "Id": [        {        }      ],      "Number": [        {          "type": "config/Types/Number/attributes/Number",          "ov": true,          "value": "000000000002659654",          "uri": "entities/1R6xV/attributes/Num/1ZtyT/Number/60pvN6"        }      ]    }  }]

Works ok because the result of payload.source was ended an Array of object so it will do that selection over those objects.

Now when you execute


It returns

[  [    {      "type": "config/Types/Number/attributes/Number",      "ov": true,      "value": "000000000002659654",      "uri": "entities/1R6xV/attributes/Num/1ZtyT/Number/60pvN6"    }  ]]

That is an array of arrays and here is where it is broken.

My Solution

You have two alternatives here

  • Use flatten function


  • Use descendant selector


Since Number is an array, you need to specify the index you want. In this case, the zeroth element:

Value: payload.source[0].attributes.value.Number[0].value

If you have multiple numbers, it would look something like this:

%dw 1.0%output application/json---values: payload.source[0].attributes.value.Number map {    value: $.value}