Render view to string, then output json in cakephp Render view to string, then output json in cakephp json json

Render view to string, then output json in cakephp

Yes! You Can render a view into a variable. You just have to create a view object .Inside Your Controller Try This:

$view = new View($this,false);$view->viewPath='Elements';  // Directory inside view directory to search for .ctp files$view->layout=false; // if you want to disable layout$view->set ('variable_name','variable_value'); // set your variables for view here$html=$view->render('view_name'); // then use this $html for json response

For those of you using CakePhp3

$view = new View($this->request,$this->response,null);$view->viewPath='MyPath';  // Directory inside view directory to search for .ctp files$view->layout='ajax'; // layout to use or false to disable$html=$view->render('view_name');

Don't forget to add this in your namespace

use Cake\View\View;

The Controller::render() function actually sets the body of the response by calling CakeResponse::body() and then returning the current CakeResponse object. This means that you can call the render() method inside the controller action, capture its return value and then again call the CakeResponse::body() and thus replacing the response body with the desired output.

Example code:

$data = $this->paginate();// Pass the data that needs to be used in the view$this->set(compact('data', 'foci', 'jobTypes', 'count_number'));if($this->request->is('ajax')) {    // Disable the layout and change the view     // so that only the desired html is rendered    $this->layout = false;    $this->view = 'VIEW_PASSED_AS_JSON_STRING';    // Call the render() method returns the current CakeResponse object    $response = $this->render();    // Add any other data that needs to be returned in the response    // along with the generated html    $jsonResponse = array(        'html'       => $response->body(),        'other_data' => array('foo' => 'bar'),        'bar'        => 'foo'    );    // Replace the response body with the json encoded data    $response->body(json_encode($jsonResponse));}