Results of recommendations using Google Books API are irrelevant Results of recommendations using Google Books API are irrelevant json json

Results of recommendations using Google Books API are irrelevant


Here's a working fiddle using Google's


output/client  # "toolbar" => xml, "firefox" => json, "chrome" => jsonpds             #  which site to search in ("bo" for books, "yt" for youtube...)q              #  search term: "sher"



["sher",["sherlock holmes","sherrilyn kenyon","sherman alexie","sheryl sandberg","sherlock","sherlock holmes short stories","sherlock holmes book","sher o shayari","sherlock holmes novels","sher shah suri"]]

1. Suggestions vs Search Results

The first thing to realise is that when Google makes suggestions, they are not the results it would show you if you were to hit enter.

Search Results are relevant if relevant terms are included in your query.

Suggestions assume that your query is incomplete and therefore compare your query to other queries to guess what the completed version of your query might be.

When I search "sher" on the results I see are:

  • The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations, 1999-2001
  • Beyond Neutrality: Perfectionism and Politics
  • Desert
  • Refuse to Choose!: Use All of Your Interests, Passions, ...

The reason for this is the author: In the case of the first three, "George Sher" and in the case of the fourth "Barbara Sher". This is desired behaviour because when I search "sher" I don't want "Sherlock" results burying "George Sher".

2. The Solution

Google has a kind of API for its suggestions as well. Some information about it can be found here. More significantly, using the developer tools however, you can see precisely what Google is doing.

Using Developer Tools: Inspect the page (CTRL+SHIFT+i in Chrome). Go to the network tab and wait until everything is loaded.

When you begin typing, Google fires requests to the server which you will see populate in the list. When I typed "sher", Google sent this request:

Look at the variables:

client   = booksds       = boq        = shercallback = _callbacks_._1id33zyi5
  • client determines the type of result that you receive (XML [toolbar], JSON [firefox], JSONP [chrome])
  • ds limits the search to a specific site (books [bo], youtube [yt] etc.).
  • q is, of course, the query text
  • callback is a paramater used for JSONP (which has some important differences to JSON). Don't worry too much about it because jQuery can handle this for you.

I pieced together bits of information on these parameters by looking at this request and by reading this and this.

CORS: Because you are making a request from a domain that's not, you are going to get an Access-Control-Allow-Origin error. This is a security measure trying to prevent XSS. To get around this problem, you will need to use JSONP.

Using jQuery, we needn't worry about the callback so let's change the client parameter to chrome and use this final query:

Working Example Below: In this example, you may want to take note of the "google:suggestrelevance" key which is an added bonus of using JSONP (Google only returns that information in JSONP data).