Retain keys with null values while writing JSON in spark Retain keys with null values while writing JSON in spark json json

Retain keys with null values while writing JSON in spark

Apparently, spark does not provide any option to handle nulls. So following custom solution should work.

import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModuleimport com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapperimport com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMappercase class EventHeader(accept_language:String,app_id:String,app_name:String,client_ip_address:String,event_id: String,event_timestamp:String,offering_id:String,server_ip_address:String,server_timestamp:Long,topic_name:String,version:String)val ds = Seq(EventHeader(null,"App_ID",null,"IP","ID",null,"Offering","IP",1492565987565L,"Topic","1.0")).toDS()val ds1 = ds.mapPartitions(records => {val mapper = new ObjectMapper with ScalaObjectMappermapper.registerModule(DefaultScalaModule)})ds1.coalesce(1).write.text("hdfs://localhost:9000/user/dedupe_employee")

This will produce output as :


If you are on Spark 3, you can add

spark.sql.jsonGenerator.ignoreNullFields false

ignoreNullFields is an option to set when you want DataFrame converted to json file since Spark 3.

If you need Spark 2 (specifically PySpark 2.4.6), you can try converting DataFrame to rdd with Python dict format. And then call pyspark.rdd.saveTextFile to output json file to hdfs. The following example may help.

cols = ddp.columnsddp_ = ddp.rddddp_ = row: dict([(c, row[c]) for c in cols])ddp_ = ddp.repartition(1).saveAsTextFile(your_hdfs_file_path)

This should produce output file like,

{"accept_language": None, "app_id":"123", ...}{"accept_language": None, "app_id":"456", ...}

What's more, if you want to replace Python None with JSON null, you will need to dump every dict into json.

ddp_ = row: json.dumps(row, ensure.ascii=False))