Returning JSON Object from REST Web Service with Complex Objects Returning JSON Object from REST Web Service with Complex Objects json json

Returning JSON Object from REST Web Service with Complex Objects

I hope this might help a bit,
Following is an working example for returning a json object which was constructed using Gson and tested with Poster and the url is domainname:port//Project_name/services/rest/getjson?name=gopi

Construct a complex Object as you like and finally convert to json using Gson.

  @Path("rest")public class RestImpl {@GET@Path("getjson")@Produces("application/json")public String restJson(@QueryParam("name") String name){    EmployeeList employeeList = new EmployeeList();    List<Employee> list = new ArrayList<Employee>();    Employee e = new Employee();    e.setName(name);    e.setCode("1234");    Address address = new Address();    address.setAddress("some Address");    e.setAddress(address);    list.add(e);    Employee e1 = new Employee();    e1.setName("shankar");    e1.setCode("54564");    Address address1 = new Address();    address.setAddress("Address ");    e1.setAddress(address);    list.add(e1);    employeeList.setEmplList(list);    Gson gson = new Gson();    System.out.println(gson.toJson(employeeList));    return gson.toJson(employeeList);}@GET@Produces("text/html")public String test(){    return "SUCCESS";}


PS: I dont want to give heads up for fight between Jackson vs Gson ;-)


You need to use a libary with json annotations instead of xml annotations. ex: jackson ( You can try to use a xml writer to write json.


When the classes are annotated with the json annotations, json will be returned.