Ruby on Rails JSON.parse unexpected token error Ruby on Rails JSON.parse unexpected token error json json

Ruby on Rails JSON.parse unexpected token error

Well, we can only answer based on the part of the JSON you showed us, but it has two problems:

  1. All the quote characters (") are escaped; they don't need to be unless they are used in a double-qoted string, which it appears they are not.
  2. You are missing a closing brace (}).

Otherwise it passes based on

In my case it was a hidden tab character which showed up only when i pasted it into vim.

You can directly use JSON.Parse() in-build method:

content = "[{\"addon_id\":\"1\",\"addon_price\":\"5\"}]"# OUTPUT at Console => "[{\"addon_id\":\"1\",\"addon_price\":\"5\"}]"JSON.parse(content.gsub('\"', '"'))# OUTPUT at Console => [{"addon_id"=>"1", "addon_price"=>"5"}]